Ciprian Paleologu


I started the HUMAN Project in 2000, when I was 24, aiming to build-up the architecture of a world. I chose accurately the phases and the general functional details to be followed. I attached to each sequence a role, the constitutive elements and the determinations within the assembly. The 24 biennial stages of the Project are meant to be carried on until I’ll be 70, though the mechanism has the due resources to make it function and develop even after my biological death.

For the time being, ten stages have been developed: 2000 – HUMAN; 2002 – The Decay; 2004 – Nil medium est (“There is no Middle Way”); 2006 – Everywhere is Nowhere; 2008 – PreTraumatic AREA; 2010 – Traumatic AREA; 2012 – PostTraumatic AREA; 2014 – Laboratory; 2016 – Nobody’s War; 2018 – The Happiness Recipe.

The survey of the HUMAN Project highlights two main components:

1. The prerequisite – HOMAGE TO HELPLESSNESS – is made of a series of displays able to identify and “illustrate”, through successive proofs, man’s constant regressive tendency to motivate his inner spirit, both as collective and individual phenomenon.

2. The (utopian) conclusion – THE HOMODROME – imposes the building-up of a human-correction mega-aggregate (i.e. the setting up the Institute of Corrective Research).

What made me start building-up such a sophisticated organism was the need to offer the world a token of consistency and stability. I dared approach a route which many people (acting mainly in the arts) could seem frozen, rigorous or too linear. To start something that cannot be changed en route, something that takes up one’s almost whole so-called biological existence, seems a heavy chain bearing too many locks trailed along one’s life.

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